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Best Education in India

BPSD Education Pvt Ltd Vocational Training Centre BPSDEVTC is an autonomous body which is established with Central Govt.

(Govt. Of India) permission under company act for promotion, development research and training in technical and non-technical. BPSDEVTC primary focus has been on course that develop the work skills of unemployed or under employed youth. Since it bared skill have become a fundamental requirement for service based jobs.

Focus had been on developing course to make literate youth in the field of education. The course are mostly delivered in English. BPSDEVTC is a centre of excellence offering quality distance education. We welcome each one of you our “Word Camps” where latest technology, innovation methodology and quality education are blended together to create unique learning experience. The mission of the institute is to provide quality education of global standards on a strong foundation of India values and traditions to students based on current advance in the field of computer, Science Technology, commerce and also social demands which emphasis on commitment to social progress, peace, harmony and national integration.


To impart value based, world class education with the purpose to contribute to the society country and the world through excellence in the core emerging areas of engineering and technology management, pharmacy, education etc. To aim at grooming the professionals who would carry forward the sprit of scientific thinking and serve as a valuable resource for industry and society and to undertake collaborative projects that offer opportunities for long term interaction academia and industry.

To achieve academic goal with excellence in professional education as per with the leading national and international institutions; To focus on practical aspects of the course material so as to make learning a meaningful and interesting experience in our intellectually stimulating campus; To create an environment with people having similar goals and aspirations to be visionaries; To actively encourage collaboration with industries,communities and the fellow institutions in the country and abroad; To work to inculate high moral and ethical values amongst the students to make them Responsible citizens and good human beings; To imbibe the winner’s attitude neccasary for achieving success. "Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into visible"